Case Studies

Leon Weinschneider, Luxury Real Estate Professional

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Leon is a top-tier luxury real estate professional with decades of experience under his belt. In fact he had many video testimonials, awards, and marketing assets to his name but could not find a partner that had a genuine interest and ability to be able to help Define, Design, Develop, and Deploy his successful business from the real world to the internet! Thankfully, after having gone through numerous websites that were literally half done and many web designers that never ultimately could DO what they SAID they would do, he found Zalmy through a referral, the founder of Social Booster Marketing, who was able to help him in accordance with his specialized needs and requests from the ground up to catapult his online business to the Next Level of forward thinking and best branding and marketing practices! A true winning relationship and partnership together was once again created!

Juan Sanchez, Real Estate Professional

website pagewebsite home page
zalmy benamou social account

Juan Sanchez Testimonial on FB Post 2 years later!

All Juan Sanchez had initially was a templatized profile page by Homesnap, not a customized website that was built from scratch that personally branded him and his expertise. After a careful examination of his overall online presence, we collaborated together with Juan building and designing his website around him and his vision! We even guided him with secrets that only the top business consultants would know on many fronts including particular portrait poses that drive home his enthusiasm and his own unique message to his market online that best helps him Connect, Collect, and Convert!

With a clean, inviting, modern, informative, and both mobile and desktop user-friendly website, Juan is off to a great start in pursuit of business success online!

Nearly 2 years later, Juan continues to vouch for us and is forever grateful to have worked with us on his newfound presence online!

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